Securing skilled workers
StudiumPlus - the dual study program of the THM
StudiumPlus offers a full university degree at the Technical University of Central Hesse combined with intensive practical experience in one of over 1,000 partner companies. A total of six dual bachelor's degree programs are offered. Dual study is also available in Bad Wildungen and Frankenberg, among other places. We are partners of StudiumPlus and connect the THM with regional companies. If you are interested in this degree program, please contact us!
StudiumPlus - the dual study program of the THM
StudiumPlus offers a full university degree at the Technical University of Central Hesse combined with intensive practical experience in one of over 1,000 partner companies. A total of six dual bachelor's degree programs are offered. Dual study is also available in Bad Wildungen and Frankenberg, among other places. We are partners of StudiumPlus and connect the THM with regional companies. If you are interested in this degree program, please contact us!